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Cloud ConvertNerddy

Convert video files to other formats directly on Nerddy

PDF LoaderNerddy

Open multiple PDF files on the same page easily. Highly recommended for students and researchers.

Forvo (English)Nerddy

English word pronunciations


Watch Youtube videos on Nerddy. You can open more than one video at the same time.

Bing WebNerddy

Get web search results from Bing. Special Nerddy features: quick view websites, ask other users for help, make more than one search on the same page, and easily access search history.

Bing NewsNerddy

Get news search results from Bing directly on Nerddy. Make multiple searches on the same page.

Google MapsNerddy

Get maps and directions directly on Nerddy.

Bookmarks AppNerddy

Bookmark any web page and retrieve your bookmarks easily on any device. Most efficient bookmarking tool ever built by man/woman. No installs needed.